Friday, October 13, 2006

I have no pictures, it is disappointing I know. but you see, my hard drive crashed last Wednesday night, the night before I left for my Grandfather's funeral. Luckily it was a work computer and all is better now. But you see I can't find the software for my camera, I recall loading the software right before going to NY and having to move everything out of main floor of the house so the floors could get re-done. It could be anywhere, literally. So if anyone has a powershot, or a canon, might I borrow your software?

And if I had taken photos there is nothing new, just more progress on what you all have already seen. Everyday Tweed is near done, maybe a couple inches on one sleeve, make sure the other sleeve is long enough, then pick up stitches for the neck do the hems and finished!! I didn't even run out of yarn, and I am sort of baffled that it will only use up 3 skeins of the Plain and Fancy, maybe a tiny bit of the 4th skein. What to do with 300 plus yards of the leftover skein, hmmmm.

The scarf for my secret pal is done being knitted, I just need to kitchener the 2 sides together and be done. I was really hoping to get it in the mail this week, but no. I haven't really been working on much of anything else, the clapotis has seen a little bit here and there in the car driving 7 hours to Kansas. But while I was gone it was mostly all about the Everyday Tweed.

I do want to enforce my finishing Sundays again this week, send good vibes this way. Cutaway I am having trouble getting into because I am a little worried it won't look so hot when I am done. Maybe more blocking will help, isn't that the cure all? This weekend I think I will focus on finishing the Noro Cowl, it only needs the cowl picked up and put on, the seaming is done for goodness sake. So look for the Noro Cowl FO next week, and wish me luck finding the camera software.

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