Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Everyday Tweed is done!!! I blocked it and finished up all the finishing last night. I am loving this sweater, and am excited that I have used some of my Estes yarn finally!!! I do have a good 300 yards left, hmmm maybe a scarf or something.

Pattern: Everyday Tweed

Needles: 4's (knit picks new interchangeables) and 3's (addi's) on the ribbing

Modifications: I didn't really do the body and sleeves as the pattern called for I took the sleeves off and kept going with the body, apparently you are supposed to pick some stitches up under the arms, oops.

Yarn: Plain and Fancy, bought 6/2006 at Estes Green/Purple/Grey variegated

Picture_025 The edging has a real simple picot edge, that you actually do one row of YO, KTOG then knit about 6 more rows and create a hem, it was much easier to whip stitch and didn't take near as long as I though it would. Here is a close up of the edging.

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