Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My feed didn't seem to update the last time I posted. We shall see if wakes up this time or not.

The knitting guilt continues, poor poor Cutaway it has seen no love and it is so close to being done. I started another new small project this week, one with a deadline of August 5th. It is the one Stacey is making for her niece. I sure hope mine turns out as cute. Dscn0358 Here is the beginning of the back. It knits up fast, hopefully it knits fast enough to be done in time.

I have also finished up the first half of clue 3 for the Mystery Stole. I made a couple mistakes but I don't feel the need to rip it out or point them out for that matter. And this of course means Madli too has seen no time on the sticks. She will grow again one day. Dscn0372 Especially if I take Cynthia up on her offer for us to race to the finish. This could get dicey, do you think she would notice if I dropped a stitch for her?

I also got to take my sleeves off the Lime Blue Cardi this week, I am loving this knit, I hope the Malabrigio doesn't pill as much as I am told it does, it can't it is too soft and pretty too. Dscn0368 It is even starting to look like a Cardigan.

I have felt like most of my time has been either knitting or working, it makes for a boring to blog about life.

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