Thursday, August 24, 2006

This blog has been neglected, the camera has been MIA so the blog has been as well. So you get a pictureless blog. And as all the local knitters know, I look at pictures more than I read the content of blogs. So I must keep this short..

I have been in a knitting funk of sorts, progress is getting made but nothing completed yet.

- Lime Blue Cardi is close to being bound off, then just sleeves to go!!

- Cut Away, poor cutaway it should be done, it only has finishing to do. But little to no love in a while.

- Mystery Stole 2, I was gung ho while new clues were coming out, I must be done before I can start the next clue, well now that all the clues are out I am fizzling a bit. I have almost finished clue 6 on one side, I am wrapping up the edging and then I can do the other side. It won't take long.

- Madli just might be dusty.

- I have started a 2nd Green Gable for my mother's bday. Not real far on that yet.

- My fall/winter knit list is growing and growing, Starsky, hourglass, Tubey, another coat like sweater out of Big Girl knits, plus another cardigan out of Big Girl Knits. Oh Sizzle, a Noroeske cardi too, out of Malabrigio though. And much more.

I can't be in a funk I have a ton of knitting to get done before spring!!

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