The lace addiction has been set aside by sweater guilt, or more sweater multiplying which causes sweater guilt, so you see I must work on a current sweater in hopes of finishing so I can then start a new one. Yes a complicated process but we try and keep the guilt down over here.
First I have been working on Rusted Root for quite a while and just this week progress has been very quick. I just cast off the body and am ready to do my sleeves.
Some lace was going on, and I have a few others I want to start since my Estes loot was a big share of lace weight. I have started the Spanish Armada and it is coming along great. I am loving the lace in the round. I think this might turn out to be a kitchen curtain, have to use that lace somewhere right?
The little fella is growing too, getting so dang big, and cute.