Monday, January 9, 2006

As everyone else has joined Kim's stash along, I have decided to enhance my stash to catch up, not really but I do have yarn envy. I tried on Saturday to enhance with Cyn she was along for the ride, after the Saturday meeting at Borders. She was good, and I was not near as bad as I would have liked, leaving Strings with the beginnings of Spork, and another ball for my cable sweater from Vogue. We dropped by Knitted Peace as well but left with nothing.

Oh but Sunday I made up for it. Wanda told me about a sale at Strawberry Tree, so I headed over. Once there I realized I needed to hit the ATM to cover all my stash. Conveniently so, Wanda busted me by walking in (and seeing me in the same cloths as she did Saturday, but come on it is a Sunday right?) as I was gathering up to pay. Dscn1877_1 Yep that is 56 balls of yarn. Hey at 35% off how can a girl enhancing her stash resist.

I am hoping possibly if the yarn works out to use the Brown Jo Sharp DK Wool tweed for the Rogue. Dscn1880_1 If it won't work then I am sure I will find something else for it. Once I got home I started looking through books to see if the yarn I bought would work for the patterns I wanted to knit (I know that is all backwards). I think I might need more yarn of most of them to get anywhere, unfortunately. The sale does go until the 15th!! I think going forward I need to keep a list of "things to Knit" and their gauge with me so I can buy more responsibly. I have a couple ideas so far. I have officially out grown my current way of organizing yarn (big 5 gallon or so ice chest looking tubs, you know you see beer in these often). Hopefully the move that is looming in February or March will help fix all of that.

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