Friday, January 19, 2007

I have moved, and mostly moved in even. I was pretty excited for this move for one particular reason, I was finally going to have my yarn out, be able to see how much I have, what I have and all that. Not have it in bins, and wonder what I have that would fit this or that pattern. I have to admit once it was all mostly out, I thought I had more, so that is good right? I can buy more yarn guilt free, then I found more yarn hiding. It isn't all out yet, but here is a sneak peak.

Knit1_003 To my surprise there really was not much yarn that I had to think "oh yeah I have that" so this all tells me I am ready to buy more yarn. I have been on a lag since getting back from Rhinebeck, and soon may be the time. I do have plenty of projects I want to start now that Starsky is done. I need to pair it down and go.

Should I start:

1. Hour Glass, with Noro Iroha in a navy blue

2. Wicked, out of something I might have or might buy.

3. Sunrise Circle jacket, out of some Katmandu orange.

4. Another longer car coat type thing, with blue donagal tweed.

I just don't know. Some quality time in the yarn shop should hopefully help me decide.


This too will be filled with books and yarn hopefully soon!!!

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